Water Treatment Plants
Water Care Services understands the importance and need for the treatment of industrial and municipal wastewater. Pakistan is ranked third among countries that are facing severe shortages according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The quality of surface water of the country has deteriorated rapidly over time due to the open dumping of municipal, industrial effluents and agricultural runoffs in the streams. Similarly groundwater quality is also poor due to the over-pumping of saline water and its addition to sources. Hence, the current water scenario in Pakistan demands urgent water management and conservation measures.
Water Care Services caters for the current water scenario by providing professionally designed equipment for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment. In this way, wastewater/raw water source can be converted to drinkable water.
List of main water treatment plants that can be easily set-up in various industrial settings are as follows;
- Reverse Osmosis –RO plant
- Ultra-filtration water plant
- Filtration water plant
- Demineralization water plant
- Distillation water plant
- Water softening plant
- Juice and beverage setting plant
- Bottled water plant
WCSP has also designed innovative water treatment systems. List of water treatment systems are as follows;
- Chlorination system
- Chemical free water treatment
- Water disinfection system
- Boiler water treatment
- Cooling tower water treatment

- Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC)
- ISO 9001-2015
- ISO 14001-2015
WCSP is delivering the wide range of in-house experience to provide the state of the art, cost effective and environmental solutions. Its integrated and multi-dis- ciplinary consultancy brief Includes:
@ WastewaterTreatment Plant (ETP &STP)
@ Drinking Water Treatment Plant
@ Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plant
@ Ultra-filtration (UF) Plant
@ Packed Type Effluent Treatment Plant
@ Sewerage Treatment Plant & Water Filtration Plant
@ De-mineralization system
@ Dlstlllatlon Plant
@ Water Metering and logging
@ Water Credits
@ Water Audits
@ Water Testing Kits
@ Chemical Free Treatment
@ Water Softening Plant
@ Water Dlslnfectlon System
@ Quality Control and Quality Assurance System

LIST OF COMPLETED PROJECTS (Wastewater Treatment Plant)
Client Name | Industry | Compliance |
Combined Fabrics (LEV/s) | Textile | Compliance with NEQS BOD < 8omg/l COO r I SOmg/l |
Pharmagen Limited (GSK Vendor) | Pharmaceutical | |
Shafi Reso Chemicals (SRC) Pvt. Ltd. | Chemical | |
Mezan Beverages (Nert Cola) | Food & Beverages | |
McDonalds (f’-9 Islamabad) | Food industry y | |
Interloop Pvt. Ltd. | Textile | |
Packages BSP | Pu Ip & Paper (BlacL Liquor} | |
Qarshi Pvt. Ltd. | Food & Beverages | |
Monnoo Textile | Textile | |
Levis Cloth | Clothing brand | |
Waste to Agriculture | Municipel and commercial | |
Colgate Pal molive Pvt. Ltd. | Toothpeste, Detergents manufacturing | |
CAMCE | Utiliy Water, STD | |
Diamond Paints Pvt. Ltd. | Paints manufacturing | |
SukLur Beverages (Pepsi) Pvt. Ltd. Narthex Bottling Company Pvt. Ltd. {Pepsi) Haidri Beverages (Pepsi) Pvt. Ltd. | Food & Beverages |