Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor
Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) is an effective biological treatment process that combines biofilm media and activated sludge process. The treatment process is capable of operating at high volume loads and can be aerobic and/or anaerobic. Plastic carriers covered in biofilms are utilized for the decomposition of waste. In addition to the treatment of organic waste, MBBR can also be an effective method for nitrification and denitrification. MBBR is usually a part of multi-step system for wastewater treatment involving grit removal and disinfection steps as with other biological treatment processes.
MBBR Design Components
Basin: Basin, also known as reactor or aeration tank, is where all the MBBR process takes place. Filtration needs of a specific plant decides the size of the receptacle. These are usually open on the top making this an aerobic process of filtration.
Media: The basin comprises numerous plastic chips, referred to as media or carriers, which make up 50-70% of the MBBR tank’s volume. Instead of floating or dispersing, these chips replicate the density of water, enabling them to evenly disperse within the wastewater. Biofilm develops on the media, maximizing the available surface area.
Aeration grid: Aeration grid consists of a fan located at the bottom of the reactor tank for the effective movement of the media throughout the fluid. In addition to this, more oxygen is introduced in the tank due to aeration grid.
Sieve: sieve consists of mesh material that keeps the plastic carriers or media inside the basin while allowing the water to pass through.

Advantages of MBBR
- MBBR is a compact system and is best suited for facilities with space constraints. It has smaller footprints than other systems and offers as effective treatment as that offered by larger tanks due to maximized surface area provided by media for biofilm growth.
- MBBR allows nature to take its course and hence is a simple and straightforward process.
- MMBR is a low maintenance and self-moderating system.
- It is a flexible system that allows resistance to shock loading and/or spike in pH levels.
- MBBR has a significant level of efficiency.
- It is an environmentally and economically feasible technology.

Industrial Application
MBBR can be used for onsite treatment of wastewater effluent in a variety of industries including paper and pulp, chemical manufacturing, dairy processing, textile factories, and beverage manufacturing for the treatment of organic pollutants and BOD.
Integrated Solutions for Enhanced Water Treatment Efficiency
The synergistic application of a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor, the Fenton Process for wastewater treatment, and a Packaged Type Water Treatment system collectively provides an advanced and comprehensive solution, optimizing efficiency and pollutant removal in water treatment processes.