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Attention all water enthusiasts! World Water Day is just around the corner, and to celebrate, Water Care services Pakistan is organizing a competition on 22nd March 2023. Delving into the significance of  Transboundary Waters becomes especially poignant on World Water Day, as we reflect on the interconnected flow that binds nations and underscores the shared responsibility for sustaining this precious resource. This is your chance to showcase your passion for water and make a difference in your community. Whether you’re a student, professional, or simply someone who cares about water, we invite you to join us in celebrating World Water Day.

Theme of the Competition :

 World Water Day 2023


  1. Register yourself by clicking ”Register Now”.
  2. Select a topic related to water. regarding nature-based solution/ IT-based solution.
  3. Create a power point presentation on your topic with 9 – 10 slides.
  4. Send your presentation to us by following email address:

Note:The deadline for submitting presentations is March 10, 2023


Winner: 15,000 PKR + Blue Cap + Certificate of Participation
Runner-up: 8,000 PKR + Green Cap + Certificate of Participation
3rd Place: 7,000 PKR + Certificate of Participation
All Participants: Certificate of Participation

Join us in making a splash for World Water Day 2023! #WaterCareServicesPakistan #WorldWaterDay #WaterEnthusiastsUnites

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