Chemical Free Water Treatment
WCSP chemical free water treatment system offers a solution to microbial control in water systems without any addition of chemicals. One of our treatment systems consists of the ozone generator, UV sterilizers and electromagnetic and other devices, in which, no need to add any chemical, and used so intelligently, there is no hard to the environment. Read More
Benefits of Ozone Treatment
- Water care services Pakistan is OEM for Ozone Generators with strong services backup
- The Ozone gas (O3) is a powerful oxidizer and disinfectant. Its oxidation potential is 150% higher compared to chlorine products.
- Ozone is a natural gas that oxidizes approximately 600 to 3000 times faster than any other chemical product.
- The Ozone does not only eliminate bacteria, but also viruses and other microbiological organisms, leaving nothing but oxygen (O2), and water after the disinfection process.
- Ozone has the additional advantage that hazardous biocides or chemicals are no longer required in the process.
- Ozone regenerates into harmless oxygen which leaves no chemical residues in the process of water making it possible to recycle the water multiple times.
- Best applications, de-odorization, disinfection, AOPs, to break organic complex molecules and many other applications.
We also offer Real-Time Monitoring and Service Level Agreement (SLA) services to enhance wastewater treatment.
Benefits of Ultraviolet (UV) Treatment
- No chemicals
- No residue
- Energy efficient
- Long life
- Replanishable source
- Excellent in disinfection, ozone destruction, & curing application